
Posts Tagged ‘Taranto Italy’

February 7 Giles Mary-of-Saint-Joseph

February 7, 2011 Leave a comment

Many of the big names saints are known for their star qualities. They started orders, were learned people who changed the direction of theology or lived lives of extraordinary acts of self denial. The superstars of those who followed Jesus. But Jesus didn’t ask to be a superstar, nor wanted to be treated as one. He did not ask that of his followers. So often it is the people quietly serving and living in prayer who touch so many lives. Blessed Giles Mary-of-St.-Joseph was one such soul.

Born Francisco Pontillo in Taranto, Italy, in 1729, he trained to be a rope maker. When he felt called by God to serve the people, he attempted to become a priest, but lacked the education needed. He chose to become a lay brother of the Franciscans. As a lay brother, he could come and go with freedom from the monastery. He became the face of the monks to the people of Naples. From begging for alms, to treating the sick to traveling to the outskirts of town to share meals with the outcasts, he became known throughout Naples. He was essentially the doorman and porter of the monastery, but became a friend to many from all walks of life and stations of society. When he died after 53 years as the doorman, the crowds wanting to pay respects were so huge, they shut down the town of Naples. The crowds were not coming to gawk at the passing of a superstar, but to honor the little ways they were each touch deeply.

Maybe, in our modern times, we need to redefine the term of Superstar.