
Posts Tagged ‘leaders’

February 26 Saint Porphyrius of Gaza

February 26, 2011 Leave a comment

With all the martyrs and mass murders in the early church, one wonders why anyone would become a bishop. It was like signing your own death warrant. Early congregations had to be creative in getting a bishop consecrated.

Saint Porphyrius was a hermit in Gaza in the 400’s  He was happy as a hermit. A few visitor to bring supplies, lots of time to pray, a long nap each day. What’s not to love. When Gaza ended up without a bishop, they did what any desperate congregation would do. They kidnapped Saint Porphyrius, consecrated him at sword point and had armed guards make sure he wouldn’t escape. Eventually he came to love his job. He converted most of the Gaza region and virtually eliminated paganism.  Some of the best leaders are born out of reluctance.