
Posts Tagged ‘improve intalian journalism’

March 30 Saint Leonard Murialdo

March 30, 2011 Leave a comment

After reading the news of various state governments restricting union rights, President Obama being called a socialist, and reduced funding (both private and public) for social services, today’s saint struck a chord in me.

St. Leonard was born in the early 1800s and educated in both Italy and France. Returning to his hometown of Turin, Italy  he worked to reestablish a floundering college, started a program for teenage boys that became the model for Boys Town,  supported the Catholic Workers Union, established a national federation to improve the level of Italian journalism and was an outspoken advocate for worker’s rights. He was labeled a socialist for lobbying for an eight hour work day and safe working conditions.

It is nice to know some of our public leaders (and some of their critics) are following in holy footsteps.